11 December 2012

Christmas 2012 Wishlist: Dolce & Gabbana and Grado Headset

Xmas12WL Courtesy of Dolce & Gabbana

Even though I've always been quite tech friendly and often obsess about not having some of the latest gadgets at hand I've never quite got the new obsession the world had with old school headphones. Until I tried them, that is. My flatmate got himself a new set a few months back and, while not great aesthetically speaking, I must say it's like being transported to a new world.
My struggle since then has been finding a set that looks nice because it's a big enough of an accessory that you need to carefully choose it. And here it is, this season Dolce & Gabbana has partnered with industry leaders Grado to create this beautiful headset with mahogany wood. There is a certain vintage air to them, which I love, that mixes so well with the modern design. I am not too versed in these matters, but I'm told its "'open-air' technology allows a clearer sound’s reproduction for both the high and low frequency bands".
What better time to get them – or to make someone else get them for you – than Christmas?

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