16 June 2012

Most Stylish of the Week: Spidey Garfield is on the move

This week Andrew Garfield finally started his press tour for 'The Amazing Spiderman' in Asia. As a good Briton, Garfield has pretty much done his thing on the red carpet. And quite successfully. He also has great hair, which really does help.
I don't know if it was his great fashion choices but he seems to be having a ball at the moment. Some of his hits included a colourful checked shirt paired with green chinos and a Phillip Lim biker jacket, a burgundy number worn with grey, and an incredible Alexander McQueen striped jumper worn with a chambray shirt and beige chinos. I would commit crimes for this jumper.
Alex Pettyfer has also started his press tour for this film called 'Magic Mike', where a bunch of really famous actors spend all their time stripping. We won't be seeing most of them making much of a fashionable effort but Pettyfer and Matt Bomar will make up for it. So far, we've got a chic and simple number that would have made anyone look like a girly art teacher but looked dapper on Alex.
Joshua Bowman is one of the new kids in the block. Even though he is been around for a few months – mostly snogging Miley Cyrus and more recently Emily Vancamp – we haven't seen much of his style until these last few days at the Monte Carlo TV Festival. He needs a lesson in rolling up trousers but he can pull off a short-sleeve shirt so I forgive him.
And, of course, Zac Efron. He is wearing the same trousers and sunnies I posted about earlier this week but it was a pretty different look. He wore them with a faded khaki shirt (I want!) and khaki sneakers. This is, gentleman, the perfect palette for the summer. Take note.

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