17 April 2012

Darren Criss/Blaine Anderson loves a bit of Thom Browne

You might remember I already posted about Blaine Anderson's (Darren Criss' alter ego in Glee) wardrobe choices a few months ago. I guess that is part of the reason why I like his character so much. That and because the guy is as cool as one can be.
Blaine's style is quite Thom Browne all the time – cropped suit trousers, fitted shirts, perfectly done bow ties. In last week's episode of Glee there were some unusually casual looks as the characters dressed down for a work out (aka: 'booty camp') and a workshop. It was for the latter that Blaine slipped into some more Thom Browne. He wore one of the striped Henley t-shirts I have been dying to have for weeks though for $315 a pop I can't even justify it to myself. For Blaine this is a winner look – it's cool, it fits well and it carries on with his red and blue wardrobe theme, how patriotic!

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